Your Body is Not a Meatsack


“When we contemplate the miracle of embodied life, we begin to partner with our bodies in a kinder way.” ~Sharon Salzberg Your body is not a meatsack. Neither is mine. Even though I have referred to it that way on multiple occasions. (Including on at least three episodes of my own podcast.) I can’t remember where I first heard this …

On Food As Medicine

food as medicine

Let’s talk about this idea of food as medicine, shall we? Because I think we’re sometimes missing the point in the health and wellness world on this topic, and that it’s not as simple as we’d like to believe it is. First, a story… When I was in grad school, I often felt like I wasn’t doing a “good enough” …

On Movement, Aesthetics, Intuition, & Becoming Your Own Expert

movement & intuition

“We all have a better guide in ourselves, if we would attend to it, than any other person can be.” ~Jane Austen, Mansfield Park Here’s a fun truth nobody’s talking about:  What worked for someone else might not work for you. What? Yep. It’s true. This applies to fitness, nutrition, relationships, career, sleep, sex, morning routines, and so many other …

Why Balance is Elusive But Alignment is Essential

“Something is always born of excess:  great art was born of  great terror, great loneliness, great inhibitions, instabilities, and it always balances them.” ~Anaïs Nin Ostensibly, I am in the business of balance. I mean, you hear acupuncturists talk about balance all the time, right? And yes! Balance is good. But talking about balance from a purely theoretical perspective can …

I Am Not a Robot (or, Why I’m So Transparent About My Life in My Business)

“We think that the point is to pass the test or to overcome the problem, but the truth is that things don’t really get solved. They come together and they fall apart.” ~Pema Chodron, When Things Fall Apart:  Heart Advice for Difficult Times   I have written before about some of the advice I received when I first started my business. …

Let’s Stop Apologizing, Shall We?

“The desire to reach for the stars is ambitious. The desire to reach hearts is wise.” ~Maya Angelou In a relatively recent conversation, I discovered that I was harboring some previously unacknowledged guilt for being an ambitious woman with dreams of world domination. Ok, ok. I don’t really want world domination.   But I do have big dreams and the …

When a Fry is Just a Fry (or, Please Don’t Attach Meaning to Everything)

“Half of what I say is meaningless; but I say it so that the other half may reach you.” ~Kahlil Gibran, Sand and Foam Last week, I was having lunch with my boyfriend when he jokingly began to “read” our fries as a way to tell my future. It was hilarious, yes, but it also made me think about how eager …