Why We Must Choose Curiosity Over Comfort

“Curiosity killed the cat, but where human beings are concerned, the only thing a healthy curiosity can kill is ignorance.” ~Harry Lorayne

I’ve been quiet around here lately. Truthfully, I haven’t really known what to say. So much has happened in the world in recents weeks, and I have found myself wanting to listen more than I talk, to observe, to witness, and to educate myself on the issues facing us as a society right now.

In the midst of this, I’ve had some days during which the violence and the negativity just felt like too much, days when my efforts to facilitate healing and positivity and transformation seemed maybe futile at best.

Except that in my work every week, I am invited into the lives of my patients in a way that will never cease to amaze and humble me. I am invited to bear witness to such a rich tapestry of emotions, the beauty and intricacy of which it is difficult to adequately describe.

And these experiences remind me that there is still so much good in this world, even as the ugliness takes center stage.


I believe it is possible to turn towards the negativity and the violence and the hatred in the world without losing sight of how much love there also is here. I believe that the work we do to heal as individuals is an important part of the healing that must take place on a greater scale.

And I believe that curiosity and creativity are essential tools on this journey, and that we must be willing to get uncomfortable and challenge our assumptions and change our minds when appropriate if true transformation is ever going to take place.

I don’t have all the answers, you guys. But I do know that we can’t let the good get lost because we’re afraid it might be futile to even try.

Sending love to each of you today.

May we all be brave enough to challenge our own beliefs, to acknowledge and become aware of our own biases, and to ask the questions that make us a little uncomfortable.