How You Relate To Your Body Is How You Relate To The World. Because Writing About Dating Wasn’t Personal Enough So I Thought I’d Give Body Image A Try.

“The body is our general medium for having a world.” ~ Maurice Merleau-Ponty, Phenomenology of Perception To say that my relationship with my body has been strained is to understate the reality of things quite a bit. In fact, this relationship has probably been the most challenging and heartbreaking and life-changing relationship of which I have ever been a part. …

Happy New Year! What the Year of the Horse Has In Store For Us and How To Harness Its Power For Good

Well, friends, the Year of the Horse is officially upon us.* I, for one, am immensely excited about this shift in cosmic energy, eager to move out of the deeply introspective, sometimes chaotically emotional, paradigm-altering state of being that has dominated over the past couple of years. While absolutely essential to forward movement, these more internal, introverted, degenerative phases of …

Unicorns, Synchronicity, and Embracing the Absurd

The National Animal of Scotland is the Unicorn. Seriously. THE UNICORN. This is one of my favorite random facts because it conveys to me a certain playfulness and prioritization of fun that I feel is often lacking in our modern society. And a belief in magic and myth and mystery. Because we spend too much time being serious, I think, …

The Personal Impact of Angelina Jolie’s Public Announcement

A few years ago, my mother was diagnosed with breast cancer. I still remember receiving the devastating phone call, hearing in her voice the fear she felt even as she attempted to conceal it for my benefit, and the way the news hit me in a tangible, physical way as she told me about the lump she’d discovered during a …

A Penny For Your Thoughts: How Journaling Can Help You Heal

Buried in a closet somewhere in my apartment is a ridiculously large box of old journals, some of which date back to the late 1980s and recount the goings-on of my 1st grade self – navigating friendships, playing soccer, riding my bike, starting to discover that boys were maybe kind of cute. There are journals from my high school, college, …