When a Fry is Just a Fry (or, Please Don’t Attach Meaning to Everything)

“Half of what I say is meaningless; but I say it so that the other half may reach you.” ~Kahlil Gibran, Sand and Foam Last week, I was having lunch with my boyfriend when he jokingly began to “read” our fries as a way to tell my future. It was hilarious, yes, but it also made me think about how eager …

Let’s Stop Pathologizing Anxiety, Shall We?

“Our task must be to free ourselves… by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature in its beauty.”  ~ Albert Einstein Is anxiety always pathological? I think not. As someone with a previous history of panic attacks that seemed to arise out of nowhere, I can say that I am very familiar …

I Don’t Know Either

We’re all searching for some sort of certainty except that certainty isn’t something that exists in most cases. Even in science, something is true only until it isn’t.   Take last week, for example, when two major discoveries were made about how the body functions. The first demonstrated that the cerebellum — a large structure located at the back of …

You Don’t Have to Be Certain to Be Helpful

I’ve decided that being a relatively content human is often about learning how to hold two contradictory truths in your brain at the same time without imploding. What do I mean by this? Well, let’s start with an example — namely, me. Because I am a total contradiction in so many ways. I am largely a science-y, show me the …

New Body, Old Programming: Why It’s Ok to Love Your Body Regardless of Your Size

“If you have the ability to love, love yourself first.” ~Charles Bukowski Earlier this week, a few hours after waking up, I made the rare (in my case) decision to jump on the scale in my bathroom and find out what I weighed on that particular day. Why? I seriously have no idea. Curiosity, I suppose. It had been over a …

On Breaking Out of the Arbitrary Success Box

“Success is stumbling from failure to failure with no loss of enthusiasm.” ~Winston Churchill Lately, I’ve been thinking a lot about identity. About how we define ourselves. About how we define success. About how we determine our worth in a world that sees our value as individuals through the lens of some seriously questionable criteria. And a shockingly soulless list of …

Make Your Joy Non-Negotiable

“Do your little bit of good where you are; it’s those little bits of good put together that overwhelm the world.” ~Desmond Tutu To say that I have been feeling a general lack of hope or positivity or joy over the past few weeks would be to greatly underrepresent how awful I have actually felt much of the time. Because …

What Bravery Looks Like

“Only when we are brave enough to explore the darkness will we discover the infinite power of our light.” ~Brene Brown Last week, I confessed to a dear friend that I am secretly holding onto the belief that I am the least brave person I know. She literally laughed in my face when I said this to her.   Which made me laugh. …

Where Do We Go From Here? Some Thoughts About the Year Ahead.

“Whatever it is you’re scared of doing, Do it. Make your mistakes, next year and forever.” ~Neil Gaiman This past year was a paradigm-shifting year for me. For a lot of folks, I think. It brought so much buried shit to the surface in my life personally, it sort of feels like 2017 is going to be all about sifting …