Bold Moves! But First? Boundaries. The Year of the Fire Monkey Begins!

“You wanna fly, you got to give up the shit that weighs you down.” ~Toni Morrison, Song of Solomon The Year of the Fire Monkey is upon us, you guys! I, for one, am extremely excited about this year. I am also, admittedly, a little nervous. Fire. Monkey. This is a potent combination of energies, if you ask me. One …

On Telling Your Truth, Ignoring the Noise, and Paying Attention to What’s Really Important

“Don’t try to win over the haters. You’re not the jackass whisperer.” ~Scott Stratten When I started this business a few years ago, I committed to being always and 100 percent me, never compromising my identity or pretending to be other than the flawed, imperfect, still-learning, still-changing person that I am. I also committed to ongoing growth and evolution as …

On Motherhood and Not Being a Mom and the Gift of Getting to Choose

*Photo of my nieces a few months ago. They’re amazing. And exhausting. And I adore them. “Choose well. Your choice is brief, and yet endless.” ~ Johann Wolfgang von Goethe I grew up in a culture that assumed motherhood would be a part of my future. Having kids wasn’t a choice I could one day make for myself, it was …

Let’s Change the Conversation About Bodies. Because They’re a Whole Lot More Interesting Than We’re Making Them Out To Be. (Also: This Post Might Talk About Sex. Don’t Say I Didn’t Warn You.)

“I think the reward for conformity is that everyone likes you except yourself.”  ~Rita Mae Brown On Sunday of this week, I got on a scale for the first time in at least six years. And for the first time in almost a decade, I actually looked at the number that appeared when I did. This, you guys, was a …